You all may know that the Direct seller panel of the IMC business, in that panel we can locate many menus and we can about one by one menu and how they use for us.

         Direct seller panel means that we locate any objects of that company and we can see easily the objects and for searching easy for us.

The menus we see that in the IMC direct seller panel



The first menu is Home we can see that in that menu "Dashboard, Qualifications, Notifications, KYC document, Bank document, My documents, Products list,  Store locator,  My purchase, My order booking and products offer. They are the menus on that Home page now we see about one by one menu.

a) Dashboard

In the dashboard, we can observe our id and lost login date and time. In the second step maintained level, the highest level, and status. In the third step, we can see the name, count, level, current month BV, Total cumulative BV. The fourth step is KYC verification status, Bank account verification status, and pan verification status.

b) My Qualification

In my Qualification, you can watch what is your Qualification in the IMC business.

c) My notification

In my notification, you can watch if you get any messages or notifications you can see on this menu.

d) KYC document

Firstly you should confirm KYC status with your passport size photo, Identity proof, and Address proof you should confirm it.

e) Bank Document

In this also you should confirm it with your passbook photo and upload it will confirm Bank Document.

f) My documents

In my documents, you can see that your applied documents are in that app.

g) Product list

We could found in this menu was new products, Regular products and offers products. In the second step "Health and Nutrition" products label in that S.NO, Name, Code, Unit, MRP, Price, and BV.

1) pain away oil
Code: 1121901
Unit: 50ml
MRP: 115
Price: 85
BV: 25

The next label is a skincare product we can find all skincare products with the same pattern of Health and Nutrition label. 

The next label is personal care products we can also find in all personal care products with the same pattern as the before one.

The next label is Home care products we can locate here all Home Care products with the same pattern.
            In that same manner the Accessories and promotional Tools, Books and literate, Garments and apparel, Agriculture and veterinary, Food products, purifies, and offer labels are also the same in the health and nutrition label.

h) Store Locator

You should select a state and district after that you will see that the store locations in your select place.

I) My Purchase

My purchase means all of your purchase items are located on this menu.

j) My order booking

In my order booking your booking item are there here with the Date, order, seller name, code, Amount, and BV.

k) products offer

Here we can see the products offered by IMC company.

L) Register

We wrote one Article on how to Register in IMC Business you can follow that.


a) Direct downline

In this, you can search your downline support.

b) Downline search

You can search your downline by entering the I'd number.

c) Downline support

Downline support means when you add your members that are our Downline support how they supporting the index will be here.

d) My upline

My upline means you can see your upline Rank, ID NO, name, mobile, and Generation.

e) My PCs

PC means your preferred customers.

3) BV Transfer

a) Make Transfer

You can transfer BV throw entering Downline ID NO, Name, BV and submit.

b) Summary

You can see the summary of the BV transfer.

This is only some part of the Direct seller panel in another post we can see another part.